Congo is a cash currency society. Cash currency is the only way to do business. Even in the capital city of Kinshasa, a city of nine million, only a few merchants who cater to the expat community accept debit cards, credit cards, or mobile money. However, we will encourage our Water Sellers to transfer currency from water sales to the Water Manager or Water Manager Assistant via mobile money.
Both of the two major mobile networks, Vodacom and Airtel, have mobile money accounts. And their mobile money agents are readily accessible and are located on every corner to deposit currency. (However, large withdrawals can not be handled by all mobile money agents.) Therefore, there are no physical barriers present, just cultural barriers.
Use of the mobile money agents will be crucial to Water Sellers present at the SmartTap sites. The Water Sellers need to remain at the site especially during the start phase to help water customers and to sell water credits as needed. We will have enough smartphones for two Water Sellers at each SmartTap site consisting of two SmartTap dispensers.
Large sums of money collected by the Water Sellers could make them an attractive target. Foremost, they will be targeted by their family members and husband. The vulnerable to fire and theft are great, too. For example, I heard about a rural Water Seller lost hundreds of dollars in a house fire. And of course, cash currency will attract common petty thieves. Finally, acts of God like severe thunderstorms which cause flooding, mudslides and even collapsed dwells.
When each Water Seller deposits her currency into the designated mobile money account, they stop the further accumulation of cash currency at the Water Manager or Water Manager Assistant. Mobile money accounts have bank account-like features. Transactions are recorded and available for review for accounting purposes. Each depositor's name and or phone number is available and attached to each transaction. And in the same manner, withdrawals are recorded and available for review for accounting purposes.
The depositing of water sales into a mobile money account offers a safekeeping on cash currency. And it facilitates the transfer of money to a central bank account. This will ensure that funds will be available for operation and maintenance needs. Also, funds will be available at the end of year for distribution to the community agencies and designated projects.